Affiliated to the International Society of Homotoxicology Baden-Baden Germany.


Articles & Memorandum



Joint Directors of Academic Affairs (GB)


Dr Eric Asher MBBS.FRACGP. FFHom.
Dr. Claire Tyson PhD (Homotox).                                                       


Dr Eric Asher MBBS.FRACGP. FFHom.
P.O. BOX 1134                                                                                  



Academic & Advisory Board:

Claire Tyson. PhD Homotox.. B.Ed. Dip Hom BRCP. Senior Lectureer & Tutor
Prof. P Bradley (Surgery & Dental) Royal London Hospital, University of Florida, USA
Dr Eric Asher.MBBS. FRACGP. FFHom.
Dr. Erich Reinhart Veterinary Advisor (Germany)
Dr David Dowson MB.Ch.B. Environmental Medicine – Advisor and Tutor
Professor Lionel Milgrom. LCH, MARH, MRHom, BSc, MSc, PhD, CChem, FRSC.
Raj Bhachu BSc.(Hons),MRPharmS, M.I.PharmM, M.A.B.P., F.R.S.P.H, M.I.P.T.I, M.A.E.T, B.R.C.P, F.S.B.M.



External Advisors:

Professor Atholl Johnston BSc MSc PhD FBPharmacolS FRCPath   
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology. Bart’s & The London
Dr Phil Wander (Clinical Dentistry)
Lord Ward-Atherton MF Hom. Nursing & Practitioners.
Andrea Hehleman – Veterinary MRCVS
Dr Rodney Adeniyi-Jones MD. – Practising Homotoxicologist
Dr Dalius Barkauskas MD (Lithuania) – Sports Medicine.





Aims of the Society : Trust Memorandum & Articles.

1)  The Society exists as a NOT FOR PROFIT organisation to establish and maintain, throughout Great Britain, a standard of knowledge, and practice professionalism for those directly concerned with the expanding  Bio-Regulatory Systems Medicine/Homotoxicology and Anti-Homotoxic Therapy according to Dr. H-H. Reckeweg.

 2) The Society is a resource centre for reference, for dissemination of information,        
training and the validation of external/internal/ distance learning education; to
provide a Continuous Education Programme for those wishing to possess
accreditation and recognition in this sphere of medicine.
CPD credits are awarded through the British Register of Complementary Practitioners
being a division of the– Discipline 19 (Homotoxicology)

3)  The Society seeks funding to promote the study of, and research into Bio-
Regulatory Systems Medicine / Homotoxicology and Anti-Homotoxic Therapy as a separate
discipline and special therapeutic approach.

4)  The Society has set up and provides Certificate and Diploma Courses of academic and
professional standard in accord with University and National standards, and is seeking
accredited University validation for externally examine credits and diploma level

5)  The Society will promote and conduct appropriate introductory and Continuous Education Workshops / Seminars / Conferences / Exhibitions for members and interested practitioners of allied disciplines; and issue relevant attendance certificates.

6)  The Society will produce articles / booklets / handbooks / manuals for promotional or educational purposes, under copyright, for sale or free distribution  and pay due fees or royalties in respect thereof, after amortisation or production / printing costs.


7)  The Society will produce an update of information / research for distribution to members, alongside other relevant therapeutic,material and that published on the website. This will include academic / practice articles by Academic Board and externally commissioned authors and will accept “vetted” advertising and personal / professional advertisements to offset production costs or seek sponsorship thereof.


8)  The Society for Homotoxicology and Anti-Homotoxic Therapy GB, will provide adjunct Seminars / Courses / Distance Learning in the following topics:

a) -Bio-Regulatory Systems Medicine /Homotoxicology in the form of in-house courses, Certificate and Diploma Approved and validated, accredited and certificated by the BRCP as a basis of entry to the British Register of Homotoxicology; and distance learning courses in parallel and in accord.


b)-Clinical Medicine Sciences (Pathology, Immunology, Pharmacology,  Environmental Sciences, Public Health & Hygiene, Health Promotion / Education).

c)-Probiotics and Functional Foods (Chlorella, Spirulina and Aloe Vera).

d)-Basic Nutrition.

9)  The Society seeks to facilitate adequately Qualified and Insured suitable
persons to become Members of the B.R.C.P in Discipline No.19 (Homotoxicology).


10)  The Society will be governed by:

a)  The elected Officers and Academic Board.

b)  Editor quarterly    “Newswire”.

c)  Secretary-General             -  Administrator                      
-  Account   Holder/Record Keeper
-  Programme/Conference Officer

d) Co-opted member (Appointed annually) Soc of Ht.

e) Co-opted member (Appointed annually) B.R.C.P. (HT 19).


11)  The Society will have 4 grades of membership:

a) Hon Fellow – President, Past Presidents and elected.

b) Fellow – Full Member of 5 years standing.

c) Full Member – has completed training criteria.

d)  Associate Member – Trainee / Student on Certificate / Diploma Course.


Certificates of Membership will be issued - fee payable except for Hon. Fellows.


Annual Fee, payable for all Society Members. - £25.00



Programme of Lectures & Workshops


Other Product Orientated Workshops arranged for small Groups at various Venues countrywide, throughout the year.  

Or Please email for information